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Our Staff

Abby smiling while holding a ukulele in front of her classroom mural
Abby Brockamp (she/her)
General Music + Choir Teacher
Social Media Manager
Lisa Carbajal (she/her)
Teacher Assistant, Pre-K
Susan at the top of a mountain with her dog in her arms, smiling.
Susan Cole
Assistant Head of School
Thelma Crafts
Child Care Assistant
Shelbey Dummer
Teacher Assistant, Lower School
Courtney standing outside the school, smiling with her daughter.
Courtney Fennimore (she/her)
Pre-K Teacher
Coach out of the river, sitting and smiling on a paddle boat.
Shannon Fraser (she/her)
Physical Education Teacher
Kristen sitting on a sunny porch and smiling.
Kristen Free (she/her)
Spanish Teacher
Middle School Coordinator
Dan sitting and reading to the Pre-Kindergarten students.
Dan Gordon (he/him)
Social Studies Teacher
Laurel holding Rufus, the school snake, and puckering her lips at him.
Laurel Goschie (she/her)
Before + After Care Coordinator
Abiqua Adventures Coordinator
Josh sitting on a beach covered in ivy outside, reading The Book of Unusual Knowledge.
Josh Hannah (he/him)
Social Studies + English Language Arts Teacher
Jonathan on the edge of a lake fishing.
Jonathan Hansen (he/him)
Director of IT + Security
Janice smiling at an outdoor concert.
Janice James (she/her)
Testing + Curriculum Coordinator 
Nick sitting in a tropical hut cooking nuts over a fire.
Nick Kintz
Math + Drama Teacher
Athletics Director
Brad standing with goo in his hands, googles on his head, wearing a tie-dye lab coat.
Brad Levandowski (he/him)
Science + Math Teacher
Gwynndolyn outside at the coast with her two dogs
Gwynndolynn McKinley
Front Desk Coordinator
Madison standing behind her art installation
Madison Munro (she/her)
Art Teacher, Middle School
Mark reading a book in Spanish to the Pre-Kindergarten class.
Mark Novom
Head of School
Janette wearing an Abiqua sweatshirt, smiling in her home.
Janette Phelan (she/her)
Kindergarten Teacher
Jim secured into a race car, he's wear sunglasses and looking very cool.
Jim Raible (he/him)
English Language Arts Teacher
Michelle playing violin in a well light room.
Michelle Reed (she/her)
Lower School Art Teacher
Orchestra Teacher
Mr. Shane
Director of Facilities
Security Coodinator
Paige standing outside a beautiful wooden door, smiling.
Paige Schindler (they/them)
Spanish Teacher, Lower School
Behavior Specialist 
Bridgit in download Salem, smiling her her winter clothes.
Bridget Schreiner (she/her)
3rd + 4th Grade Teacher
Becky smiling as she ducks on a pathway under large tree roots.
Becky Schulte (she/her)
1st +2nd Grade Teacher
Linda sitting and smiling at the beach. She's wearing a large brimmed black hat.
Linda Siewell
Teacher Assistant, Lower School
Janis is on a golf course, watching her swing.
Janis Stevens (she/her)
Teacher Assistant, Preschool
Pam is kneeling in a lush garden, smiling while wearing a large straw hat.
Pamela Stevens
Teacher Assistant, Kindergarten
Jean with a fun smile, dressed up nicely but wearing some silly lobster hands
Jean Swanson
Preschool Teacher
Holly standing outside and smiling in the fall leaves.
Holly Terpening
1st + 2nd Grade Teacher
Lynette Towsley 
Tiffany with her daughter at a baseball game.
Tiffany Williams
Front Desk Assistant
Lunch Coordinator
Katie sitting outside, smiling
Katie Young (she/her)
3rd + 4th Grade Teacher
30th Anniversary logo
6974 Bates Rd, Salem, OR
97306 | (503) 399-9020
© 2023 Abiqua School. All Rights Reserved.
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